Phone: 07768 414025 [email protected]

The Challenge

In 2010, Scott-Moncrieff contacted me by referral to discuss working with their client-facing staff. This included Partners, Directors, Managers and Assistant Managers across all sector teams. The firm also runs client seminars, which often involve a series of presentations by different speakers to large groups. Other needs included conference presentations and client meetings. After consulting with management, it was decided that an initial programme was needed which focussed on Pitching to Win Business. They wanted to increase confidence, cut down preparation time, build a consistent approach across the firm to their pitch strategy and ultimately – stand out from the crowd.

The Solution

I proposed two half day sessions held a week apart, with groups of 5. The groups were made up of different levels and sectors so that everyone could learn from each other’s experiences and benefit from feedback from each other.

The benefits of running half day session:

  • Better for long term learning and development
  • Time between sessions gives opportunity to practise techniques
  • More time efficient for client
  • Less ‘info overload’
  • Shorter periods away from desks

Everyone brought a presentation with them and we worked on that during the sessions. They had 3-4 opportunities to present in front of their group and each time I would film them, then give feedback with the video review.

The Results

Pitches have been consistently won as a result. This has led to further consultancy work on specific pitches and seminars where I’ve worked with the team on content and followed up with a full rehearsal and Q&A practice. There has been consistently positive feedback after each session with attendees feeling far more confident and better prepared, not only for pitching but for client meetings, seminars and other presentations.

The firm has merged with Campbell Dallas and subsequently taken over by Azets.

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