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Prepare to Impress – the devil is in the detail
After a busy few months supporting the main stage speakers at the Specsavers Annual Seminar event in Birmingham, EIE - a showcase of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Scotland, and CivTech 9.0 Demo Day in Edinburgh, I’ve been reflecting on the real difference that...
Reflecting on 20 Years
As I take a moment to reflect on the past two decades of Maryanne Johnston Ltd, I'm struck by the incredible journey it’s been – one filled with highs and lows, challenges, and moments of growth and incredibly rewarding experiences. I want to express my sincere...
Myths v Truths
When it comes to public speaking and delivering presentations, there's no shortage of advice and shared experiences. As a result, I hear an awful lot of well-meaning advice, that in fact isn’t very helpful. Many tips have become accepted mantras but very often they...
You never know who is about to walk into the room
It is said you have around seven seconds to make a first impression. A thoroughly rehearsed few lines that come off as robotic and unnatural will not achieve this and will come across stilted and awkward. But knowing exactly what you need to communicate the key information in a short space of time, and having a number of ways you can do this flexibly and instinctively, will give you the edge and make you memorable.
There’s more in you than you think
The senior school I went to has a motto: ‘Plus est en vous’ or ‘there’s more in you’. It’s a statement that comes to my mind most days. During challenging times, if I am doubting myself or if things are going well, this motto grounds me and inspires me to deliver...
Practice makes Perfect…or does it?
Practice gives us potential – it makes us adaptable, resilient, and able to deliver a top-quality performance, regardless of any obstacles that come our way.
The true cost of working remotely
Thankfully the days of lockdown are long gone, and our freedom has returned. But many of the ‘emergency’ procedures we put in place when we had no other choice have remained.
What does this mean for business? In the simplest terms, everything is taking longer and as a result opportunities are being missed.
Looking Ahead to more Success!
Reflection is essential before effectively planning for the future and as I look back over 2022 and what we as a business achieved, I feel proud, motivated and excited about what 2023 has in store. We had a busy year behind the scenes improving our digital platforms...
Managing the effects of adrenaline when presenting
For 75% of the population, it is a fear of public speaking. Here are a few thoughts on how to manage the effects of adrenaline
Inclusive communication is crucial to #BreakTheBias
Inclusive communication is crucial to create a more inclusive workplace. Here are five tips to help you achieve this.
Preparing for a Job Interview Presentation
Do you need to prepare for a job interview presentation? It is a crucial part of the process. Make sure you are getting it right.
Answering Interview Questions
It can be difficult when you are put on the spot answering interview questions, here are some tips to combat this.
Preparing for a Question and Answer Session
Download Our Q&A Tip PDF Imagine cooking a sensational meal and then serving it on paper plates and using the kids plastic cutlery to save on the washing. It might still taste great (and you are doing your bit for the environment) but a vital part of any...
Making Visual Presentations work for you
Research has shown that an excellent visual presentation can significantly improve the retention of information and ensure a far better experience for your audience if it is delivered well. Source - PropelGrowth There are many different visual aids and software...
Speech Writing – Finding the right words
A lot of my time is spent supporting people on the technical side of communication; the pace of a speech, managing non-verbal communication, maximising silence, among many other areas. However, one of the most critical aspects that people often dismiss when speech...
How To Improve Public Speaking – Script or No-Script
The majority of my job is advising clients on how to improve public speaking. My advice is always predicated on being yourself, but that’s easier said than done when you’re in the heat of the moment and the adrenaline starts to flow.
Four public speaking techniques from the best
Just as the top sportspeople and finest actors make it look easy, so the world’s most inspiring speakers have a calmness and a flow that keeps us captivated. However, as with anyone who's successfully mastered their craft, the hard work that goes into the final...
Finding Confidence With Assertive Behaviour
Assertiveness, to some, comes with negative connotations, and it shouldn’t. There is nothing wrong with being assertive; it is a crucial trait of great leaders, as long as it doesn’t stray into aggression.
The Fundamentals Of An Investment Elevator Pitch
We speak at 130-140 words per minute. If those 60 seconds are an investor elevator pitch, make those words count.
We help you perfect the fundamentals and include the key elements you require.
Negotiation Pitfalls – how to avoid them
Negotiation should be a positive experience for both parties and ultimately, a win-win for both sides. However, when I deliver Negotiation training, I often find clients falling into the same pitfalls that result in a poor result for them or the people they’re...
Negotiation Skills – all about win-win
Negotiating isn’t easy but it doesn’t need to be difficult. There are a number of techniques and tips that can help remove many of the challenges. We deliver a number of training sessions on this. Find out how to achieve a win-win.
Tell Me About Your Background
There was a time when I’d ask clients this question and the answer required a thumbnail sketch of their career so far. Nowadays, it leads to an entirely different discussion. As we all present and pitch online, the time you have to capture the attention of the...
The Presentation Tips You Need To Succeed
For many people, giving a presentation is not easy. It doesn't matter if you are presenting virtually or in person. Some are comfortable standing in front of a crowd, clicker in hand, attempting to impart a message ... and some people aren't. However, comfort doesn't...
Public Speaking Tips To Overcome Your Fear
I am regularly asked for public speaking tips from the people I work with. Often people have built up such a fear of public speaking they are convinced they will never be able to do it. The good news is that anyone can become a good public speaker with the right advice and some hard work. Find out how…
How to be more assertive at work
I am regularly asked ‘how to be more assertive at work’. It is not easy for many people, but it is well within everyone’s ability to change their approach and find that confidence with the right approach.
We have developed a number of sessions that will help you overcome your problems with confidence and start making positive moves at work.
How to improve communication skills as a leader
Successful leadership and excellent, effective communication go hand in hand, but how do you improve your communication skills if your message isn't getting through? One does not exist without the other. I’m often drafted in to support leaders looking to improve their...
Video Conferencing Etiquette – A Simple Guide to Best Practice
Detached yet connected, with no rule book or established etiquette, online calls can feel like a professional and personal minefield. The following simple guidelines will help you to present yourself as professionally as possible. Treat your call as you would treat a...
Prepare to get Pitch Fit
"A champion is not made when they succeed; a champion is made when you look back at the seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and months they have spent preparing." Eluid Kipchoge - Kenyan long-distance runner and 2016 Olympic marathon gold medallist. The levels of...
Prepare to Step Out of your Comfort Zone
Do you find yourself considering whether it’s time to climb the career ladder or look for a new job? Perhaps you are thinking of ways to bring in new clients or want to get out there and pitch your business to new investors or at a funding competition? We constantly...