Maryanne has created a series of interview style podcasts that cover all the key areas featured in our communication skills courses.
Download the podcast using the links below or via your usual platform and continue your learning on the move.

‘I love this podcast. The episodes are bite sized with practical advice on how to have more impact with your words. They also contain enough science to understand ‘why’.’
Jane Dennyson,
Thrive Consulting
‘These are fantastic short pieces always delivering useful and achievable ideas.’
‘Whether you are a seasoned speaker or just starting, this podcast provides practical advice on honing your public speaking skills. Listening to the podcast before a nerve-wracking important speech allowed me to stay calm in the moment, focus on the task in hand and keep to the point.’
Season 1:
What is an Agile Speaker? (5 episodes)
I believe that presenting confidently and naturally is a science that anyone can learn and indeed become agile with. In this season, I share tips and techniques on how to remain in control and come across as relaxed and natural in what can be an unnatural situation.
Season 2:
The Elevator Pitch (4 episodes)
The high-stakes game of the Elevator Pitch: it’s something we’re all doing frequently but it can be hard to get it right.
Whether it’s at a conference, an exhibition stand or a dinner party, we use the Elevator Pitch formally and informally so it’s important to make it work for your audience and work for you.
Season 3:
Video Conferencing – from logistics to delivery (3 episodes)
In this collaboration with Colin Gray’s Podcraft, we give you simple, practical advice and ideas to support you through this new way of working.
Season 4: Spotlight on the Speaker
In Season 4, we turn the spotlight onto the speakers.
Maryanne captures stories, experiences and helpful takeaways from guests and former clients. Although they hail from a range of sector and different sized businesses, what connects them all is that they have all taken to the stage, presented in the boardroom, pitched to investors or have had to influence audiences in some way.
Season 5: From Stress to Success – How to manage nerves and adrenaline when presenting
Research tells us that 75% of the population fears public speaking.
Much of this anxiety is due to lack of preparation, both physical and mental.
Then there’s the audience, the numbers in the room, the deal that’s being worked on… Or perhaps you get stuck in traffic, your train is cancelled, the tech doesn’t work or (as happened to me) your car has a flat tyre!
We know this is a stressful space for many people. If we don’t find ways to overcome that stress, it may be detrimental to our personal and professional lives.
Antonia Siegel is the founder of Healthy Habits. She’s a mindset and behaviour-change coach for men and women; she specialises in wellness and menopause.
Her coaching methods follow a science-based approach, backed by neuroscience and positive psychology. One of the areas she excels in is stress management.
Season 6: How to Resolve Conflict
Conflict is unavoidable – but it doesn’t have to be unmanageable.
A recent survey by CIPD revealed that a quarter of UK employees experienced workplace conflict in the past year, impacting wellbeing, productivity and team engagement. And it’s not just at work – day-to-day life brings its own challenges: disagreements with a partner, navigating judgements from an ageing parent or calming the waters with a headstrong teenager…
Conflict, at some level, ia part of life. But how we handle it makes all the difference.
In this season of The Agile Speaker podcast, Maryanne is joined by Drew Drummond of Drummond International, an award-winning leadership consultancy, to explore practical strategies for recognizing, addressing, and resolving conflict. Together, they’ll share insights to help you move through tension with confidence and foster stronger relationships at work and home.
Find out more about Drew and his work here:
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