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Negotiation Pitfalls – how to avoid them

Negotiation should be a positive experience for both parties and ultimately, a win-win for both sides. However, when I deliver Negotiation training, I often find clients falling into the same pitfalls that result in a poor result for them or the people they’re...
Negotiation Skills – all about win-win

Negotiation Skills – all about win-win

If you’ve recently started a new business or have joined a start-up or scaling business, you are going to have to have to sharpen your negotiation skills to achieve success. It is certainly not the case that all good negotiators are either unscrupulous car salespeople...

Tell Me About Your Background

There was a time when I’d ask clients this question and the answer required a thumbnail sketch of their career so far. Nowadays, it leads to an entirely different discussion. As we all present and pitch online, the time you have to capture the attention of the...

The Presentation Tips You Need To Succeed

For many people, giving a presentation is not easy. Doesn’t matter if you are presenting virtually or in person. Some are comfortable standing in front of a crowd, clicker in hand, attempting to impart a message. However, comfort doesn’t necessarily mean...
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